Each year around the end of May or the beginning of June, the Alumni Foundation hosts its Annual Hall of Fame/Fundraiser Dinner. This evening is dedicated to inducting and recognizing Matador Alumni and/or Matador Faculty/staff who have made significant contributions not only to the school, but also as adults in their careers/communities as well. It is a fun-filled evening with Dinner, a Silent Auction, and Raffles to raise monies for the Foundation to provide support to the school, its programs, and student scholarships.Hall of Fame Inductees by Year
Pete Jernigan – Football, Wrestling, Baseball                     Duane Freeman – Football, Baseball, and Coaching
J Robinson – Wrestling                                        Wally Johnson – Football, Wrestling
Bob Jacobson – Football, Wrestling                             Ned Blass – Wrestling Coach
Billy Joe Winchester – Football, Wrestling, Track               Don Jackson – Football, Wrestling
Tommy Mount – Wrestling                                     Mike Ela – Basketball
Rick Wurts – Water Polo, Baseball                              Brian Smith – Football/Track Coach
Jane Trude – Softball Coach                                    Jerome Weatherspoon – Football
Charmelle Green – Softball                                    Robert Griffith – Football
Stephine Olow – Softball                                       Carrie Belanger – Softball
Khalif Barnes –Â Football
1968 CIF Championship Basketball Team2008-09
Mel Grant – Principal                                         Ona Elliott – Teacher
Larry Nordell – Teacher                                       Myrna Goodwin – Teacher
June Mott – Teacher                                          Larry Christianson – Teacher
Dean Immel – Teacher                                        Ray Anthony – Teacher
Bob Boucher – Teacher                                       George Albert – Teacher
Chuck Engberg – Teacher                                     Mark Senior – Track
Jackie Anderson – Track                                      Dale Siscon – Wrestling
Christine Fitzgerald – Basketball                              Martha Olow – Softball
1968 CIF Championship Wrestling Team
Darrell Rathje – Football                                      Gary Cooper – Football, Teacher
Annette Stamos – Teacher                                    Mark Williamson – Baseball
Tom Erwin (Shotgun Tom) – Student                        Bob Sanders – Teacher
Fred Wadsworth – Aquatics Coach                            Helen Gizoni – Softball
Ben Duea –Â Wrestling Coach
1979 CIF Championship Girl’s Softball Team
Freddy Ceasar – Football                                     Mike Foote – Football
Jim Sunbury – Wrestling                                      Bill Taylor – Wrestling
Russ Boehmke –Principal                                     Martha Morris – Teacher
Tom McGrath – Teacher & Sports Announcer                    Jenny Stallard – Softball
Chris Wilhite –Â AquaticsÂ
2003 CIF Championship Girl’s Basketball Team
 Genevieve Costello – Basketball2013-14
Mike Dougherty – National Dog Show Judge                    Amando Cunanan – Teacher
Kayla Henry – Girls Basketball                                Mike Grimm – Founder US Army Night Stalkers
Dwayne Buth – Wrestling                                     Steve Solomon – Water Polo, Basketball, Swimming
CarlBroselle – Teacher/Coach                                Raymond Wells – Football, Track
Jeff Karsten – Baseball                                      Jerica Williams – Girls Basketball
Henry Koa – Football                                         Jaci Snow – Author
Cory Littleton – Football                                      Jeff Wood – Teacher
Precious Robinson –Â Girls Basketball
Kathy Worley – Softball Coach & Industrial Arts Teacher        Walt Ekard – Chief Admin Officer County of SD       Â
Lisa Goodwin Bebi – Award-winning Artist                    Tim Moody – Alumni Band, Co-Founder Alumni Foundation
Danielle Millar – Girls Basketball                             Dave Schroeder – Football, Wrestling, Owner Samson Equip
JoAnne Lang Burke – Friend of the Matadors                 Lani Tausauga – Track and Field, Volleyball
John Siscon – Wrestling                                     Holly Thomas – Judge, US 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
                         2006-07 Girls CIF Championship Basketball Team
Kristine Zoch – Girls Softball                                  Marc Williams – Rear Admiral USN
Don Howarth – Attorney                                      Derall Hunter – Football
Danesia Williamson – Girls Basketball                        Kevin Jones – Track & Field; Assistant Professor
Jessica Robinson – President Cuyamaca College                Marguerite Mathews – Neuroscientist